What is satoshi and how many satoshi are in 1 Bitcoin


2019-08-04 00:00:00:

Cryptocurrencies have long ceased to be something "new and unknown" in human life. Their popularity is growing every day, which leads to a solid entry into everyday life. So, commercial organizations have introduced the function of paying with cryptocurrencies for purchased services and goods. Such interest was aroused by the growth of rates of electronic coins, which have become in demand, and therefore expensive.

The forerunner in the crypto industry is, of course, Bitcoin. The blockchain system was opened in 2009 and is the first in the world. For 10 years of its existence, it has received tremendous development and continues to move in the same direction with huge strides. During this time, the Bitcoin exchange rate managed to reach the $ 20 thousand mark, but many financial experts are convinced that this is not the limit at all.

Of course, such a high price of an electronic coin makes the payment and trading function uncomfortable. Investors are not always willing to invest thousands of dollars to purchase one or two bitcoins. A logical continuation of the development of the electronic coin industry was the emergence of a new unit of payment - satoshi.

What is Satoshi

In the context of cryptocurrency, satoshi is the smallest bit of bitcoin that can be sent in the system, or an indivisible portion of it. How did it come about? Discussing the total number of bitcoins that will be released into the world, a serious problem of the introduction of coins into a wide range of users was revealed. Of course, 21 million coins are not so easy to distribute among people, many of whom are still afraid to deal with electronic money. Especially it is necessary to take into account the fact that 1 bitcoin is quite expensive. Taking this into account, it was decided to form a bargaining unit by splitting up the cryptocurrency. This is how Satoshi appeared, which was named after the genius Satoshi Nakamoto , around whom legends still circulate today.

Satoshi concept in simple words

1 satoshi represents one 100 millionth part of bitcoin. In mathematical terms, it looks like this - 0.00000001 BTC. In simple terms, satoshi in the context of bitcoin means the same as a cent in a dollar, a penny in a ruble. It is the smallest indivisible bitcoin particle.

Taking into account all of the above, the question arises: "Why should bitcoin be divided by as much as 100 million satoshi, when, for example, the dollar or the ruble is divided into only 100 parts?" The answer is quite simple and lies in the essence of the Bitcoin economy, namely, accepting only a few hundred satoshi as the minimum limit for reward for work.

The cost of one bitcoin is rather big and amounts to several thousand dollars. So, if there is a 1BTC wallet on the account and it is necessary to send, for example, one thousandth of the existing unit, the operation should be carried out in Satoshi. This means that absolutely any amount of funds can be transferred in the system. It is noteworthy that when transferring, the system provides for a certain commission for the transaction.

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto

Satoshi Nakamoto is the founder of Bitcoin software. The software was created in 2008, and its opening - in 2009. The following is inexplicable, but in 2010 Satoshi disappeared from sight.

The identity of the Japanese, who was a brilliant mathematician and cryptographer, has not yet been established. There is an opinion that this is not one person at all, but a group of persons. So, if you translate Satoshi Nikamoto from Japanese, you get the following expression - “one who thinks clearly within the system”. It is likely that this is a pseudonym for a completely different person or for several developers of the Bitcoin system.

However, this is no longer so important, since the forefather of bitcoins retired back in 2010 and has nothing to do with the cryptocurrency industry. Today this name is remembered only in the context of bitcoin, or rather, its smallest particle.

Here are some interesting facts about Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of the billion dollar crypto industry:

  • Famous name of Satoshi Nakamoto.

The inventor of the Bitcoin system has a pseudonym - "Satoshi Nakamoto". Back in 2008, this name was used to write a letter via Bitcoin white paper mail to specific individuals. The content of the letter provided for a mailing list of public people who were convinced and were on the side of decentralization, cryptography. This explains the great popularity of this name. It is noteworthy that the name itself suggests that its owner was Japanese, but the fact of the ideal use of English in the white paper makes one think about something else.

  • Equity of Satoshi Nakamoto.

According to numerous experts, Satoshi Nakamoto owns at least 1 million bitcoins, which ensures him the status of a dollar billionaire. So, at the beginning of 2009, the Genesis block was mined, and in 2010, Satoshi stopped all communication with absolutely everyone. Interestingly, during this period of time, bitcoins were formed in the blockchain ledger, but they were not used. Thus, it is possible to determine how much Satoshi Nakamoto actually owns .

1 million bitcoins is a lot, so if it is "released" on the exchanges, it is possible to damage the cryptocurrency market. This explains the title of the Bitcoin system - "Ponzi scheme", since the speculative founder owns a significant part of the first cryptocurrency.

  • T-shirts with appropriate inscriptions.

The uncertainty and confidentiality of the "father" of Bitcoin prompted many to think about creating a new round of merchandising. Today, everyone has the opportunity to purchase a T-shirt with the inscription concerning Satoshi Nakamoto:

  • "Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?"
  • “Where in the world is Satoshi Nakamoto?”;
  • “I am Satoshi Nakamoto”;

Is Satoshi Nakamoto a group of companies?

According to some versions, the creators of Samsung, Toshiba, Nakamichi and Motorola are also the founders of Bitcoin. This can be judged through the prism of their names:

  • Samsung, Toshiba, Nakamichi and Motorola form Satoshi together;
  • Naka Michi and Moto Rola form Nakamoto together.

The version is not bad, but it has no official confirmation. These are just guesses.

Satoshi Nakamoto is Nick Szabo?

Bit Gold is the forerunner of Bitcoin and was created by software scientist, cryptographer Nick Szabo. He developed the concept of a digital currency for the digital age, but the project presented to the world did not win the trust of users and was not accepted due to existing restrictions in society.

Some experts carried out a detailed analysis of Satoshis white paper and stated that the unknown person could be Nick Szabo, who, by the way, always rejected this version.

Is Satoshi Nakamoto Craig Wright?

Australian entrepreneur Craig Wright made a statement in 2016 that he invented the Bitcoin system. However, if necessary, to provide documentary evidence that Craig Wright could not do this. As he left, he noted that he would definitely return again, having weighty evidence on hand.

Is Satoshi Nakamoto Dorian Prentice?

In 2014, experts again put forward the version that Satoshi Nakamoto is a California resident Dorian Prentice, who was engaged in physics and systems engineering. At that time he was fired from the government. Somewhat later, Dorian Prentice rejected all versions regarding the fact that he was Satoshi Nakamoto.

Is Satoshi Nakamoto Hal Finney?

Hal Finney was on the mailing list received in the Bitcoin white paper from Satoshi Nakamoto. According to Hal, he had to communicate with Satoshi, as there was a need to support his testing. This fact prompted the experts to believe that Satoshi Nakamoto is Hal Finney. In addition, after comparisons, it was noticed that Hals writing style is the same as Satoshis, which can be analyzed from the Bitcoin white paper. Hal in every possible way rejected the proposed hypothesis and for this he showed the world his own correspondence with Satoshi in electronic form. However, such a move may well be a common tactic to distract publicity.

It is noteworthy that it is Hal who is among the first recipients of Bitcoin transactions from Satoshi, carried out on 01/12/2009, after solving the Genesis of the block (01/03/2009).

Fast Company found the real Satoshi Nakamoto?

One of the employees of the Fast Company, searching for unique phrases in the white paper written by Satoshi, found the creator of the system, or rather the creators. In his opinion, they were Vladimir Oxman, Neil King and Charles Bry. A white paper phrase has even been patented - "computationally impractical to reverse", which means "computationally impractical to reverse." However, these people have officially denied these statements.

It should be noted that Satoshi Nakamotos privacy has proven to be beneficial to the Bitcoin system. However, such a big mystery and a lot of questions hovering in the air (“where is Satoshi”, “why is he hiding”, “what is Satoshi doing” and others) still haunt many. Until today, the truth is unknown to anyone.

How many Satoshi are in 1 Bitcoin

As noted above, the Bitcoin system allows users to conduct transactions without requiring a special commission. In addition, there are no restrictions on the transfer amounts, that is, even very small money can be transferred. However, this advantage has one big drawback - it is a long period of time that will have to wait for such a transfer to be made. The reason for this is the lack of additional incentive for miners to include these transactions in the chain. But today, the system allows free transfers of up to 1 kopeck, because the main goal of cryptocurrency seekers is not a commission, but a reward for creating a block.

The minimum value held in the Bitcoin system is 0.00000001 BTC. This amount is usually called satoshi. Based on this, you can calculate how much Satoshi is in Bitcoin. So, in 1 Bitcoin has 100 000 000 Satoshi. Thus, we can represent the content of Satoshi in Bitcoin as follows:  

  • 1 BTC is equal to 100,000,000 satoshi;  
  • 10,000,000 BTC equals 10,000,000 Satoshi; 
  • 01,000,000 BTC equals 1,000,000 Satoshi; 
  • 00100000 BTC is equal to 100000 Satoshi;
  • 00010000 BTC is equal to 10,000 Satoshi; 
  • 00001000 BTC is equal to 1000 Satoshi; 
  • 00000100 BTC is equal to 100 satoshi;
  • 00000010 BTC is equal to 10 satoshi;
  • 00000001 BTC is equal to 1 satoshi.

The presented units of measurement became widespread and popular at the moment when bitcoin began to sharply increase its value. As noted, Bitcoin and Satoshi are the same currency. Thanks to this innovation, the function of payment in small amounts became available between users of the system.

Satoshi course

Speaking about the satoshi rate, you need to understand that bitcoin is a "jumping" value relative to currency money. To convert satoshi into rubles or dollars, for example, it is necessary to consider a separate example.

How to convert satoshi to rubles

So, at the time of the transfer and calculation of satoshi in rubles and dollars, it is necessary to determine the rate of 1 bitcoin. If 1 MTC costs $ 40,000 or 2,400,000 rubles (the exchange rate of 1 dollar is 60 rubles), then 1 satoshi will cost 0.024 rubles, and 100 satoshi, respectively, 2.4 rubles. Taking the same rate as a basis and calculating the satoshi rate in dollars, the following will be obtained: 1 satoshi is equal to 0.00040 dollars, and 10,000 satoshi is equal to 4 dollars.    

Thus, 1 satoshi in rubles costs less than 1 kopeck. This is the reason for establishing acceptable values for making a transfer from 10,000 satoshi. Exchange operations of small amounts are carried out similarly to the amounts of whole bitcoins, that is, for all electronic and real currencies. It can be WebMoney, QIWI, bank transfer, plastic card. 

Here are the popular directions for withdrawing Satoshi (Bitcoin) in rubles on our service:

Many cryptocurrency exchanges and exchange offices announce the Satoshi and Bitcoin rates separately so that users and the client can conveniently use the services and quickly calculate the exchange rate.

Where is Satoshi used

Having received electronic money in the form of satoshi to his own account in the system, a person immediately asks a completely logical question: "Where can satoshi be used?" There are several options:

  • sell satoshi;
  • use when paying for goods and services in companies where this form of payment is provided;
  • exchange satoshi.

In addition, Satoshi, as you know, is a piece of cryptocurrency, which today is "digital gold". Therefore, satoshi is the most liquid means of payment within the cryptocurrency market and one should not be afraid to keep it on the balance sheet. There are several types of adapted wallets in the Bitcoin system for storing satoshi:

  • application wallets designed for PCs and laptops (Exodus, Electrum, Jaxx);
  • wallets provided for smartphones (there are special ones for Android and iOS);
  • wallets designed for offline storage, that is, without Internet access (Bitcoin Core);
  • paper wallets in which information is entered directly on a sheet of paper;
  • wallets that work online and are installed in the browser as a regular extension (Cryptopay, WMX, Coinbase.com, Blockchain.info and others);
  • hardware wallets in the form of devices that store encoded information and resemble ordinary flash drives in external characteristics.

Considering the methods of payment for Satoshi for goods and services, you need to understand that not every store or organization is capable of accepting this currency in this form, that is, it often requires converting funds in several stages.

The fastest and easiest way is to transfer the available amount of satoshi or bitcoins to the buyer, who can exchange them for banknotes of a particular world state. So the user will immediately receive money in his hands and the ability to pay with them everywhere, excluding the payment of additional commissions. However, such an easy way of exchanging satoshi has one significant drawback - it is a big risk of losing the accumulated funds. How can you be 100% sure that the person who will be transferring electronic funds is not a fraud? It is very difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh again all the pros and cons of this method of using Satoshi. To find a reliable buyer, it is recommended to use the online communities of bitcoin and satoshi owners (for example, "Blue Canyon").

The next option for using electronic money is to purchase some goods or services, real estate. There are companies in the West that accept cryptocurrency as payment. These include various clothing, footwear, furniture and equipment stores. In the future, as an option, the purchased goods can be sold and money can be raised.

However, if you need to get exactly the cash equivalent of Satoshi, you can turn to the electronic monetary system. An example is WebMoney. This system provides for the ability to transfer Satoshi and Bitcoins into the currencies of different countries in real time. It is well-known enough, and there is no doubt about its reliability. To start using the functions of the WebMoney service, you need to download real information from your passport, which provides an additional level of protection against fraud. Here you can convert electronic coins into rubles, dollars, pounds and even WMR, namely your own currency of the payment system.

There are special applications that calculate the funds that can be obtained for a certain amount of Satoshi. These include standard currency converters. Here you only need to enter the current coefficient of the cryptocurrency relative to the currency that is ultimately needed.

Often, independent calculations and searches for electronic coin ratios confuse users, so you should pay attention to the corresponding services. The most popular are modern online converters, which also calculate the ratio of cryptocurrency.

It is important not to forget that there is a small commission for using the services when electronic funds are exchanged.

How to earn Satoshi?

There are several ways to earn satoshi. The most common ones are presented below:

Mining on your own farm, mining coins using cloud services.

Of course, the second option for earning satoshi is easier and simpler. Here, the user does not need to work on creating his own mining farm, purchasing expensive equipment, setting it up. The essence of a cloud service is renting existing capacities, paying for this service and other expenses, making a profit.

Bitcoin taps.

What do Bitcoin faucets mean? This method of making money is very popular, since it does not imply complex manipulations from users. To receive the first Satoshi, you need to register, indicate your own Bitcoin address, complete the task, and take the earned Satoshi into your wallet. However, there are pitfalls here, namely, Satoshi is credited to the internal wallet, the frequency of accruals is approximately 1 time every 7 days. Of course, satoshi cranes are popular with users due to their simplicity, since they do not require certain skills and knowledge. For example, you need to enter a captcha, take a survey with one-word answers, watch an advertising video, and so on. You need to understand that such simple tasks cannot be highly paid. To get 30,000 Satoshi, it will take a long time in the system to complete a large number of tasks. In addition, many faucets often provide a threshold for the minimum withdrawal of funds, and usually it is 30 thousand satoshi. Another significant drawback of this method of earning is the high rates of fraud. So, many faucets are cheating and do not pay users the satoshi they earn, while continuing to work and attracting new "victims". There are also the most profitable faucets, through which you can earn good money, but they are quickly disappearing due to high demand. Taking into account all the pros and cons of this earning option, you should not consider it worthy and take it seriously. 

The best way to get satoshi is to participate in exchange transactions. Of course, this type of earnings requires initial capital. It is spent on purchasing bitcoins. In the future, a game is played on the growth of the virtual currency rate, while it is important to take into account all possible risks.

Will satoshi be expensive

As mentioned above, the cost of 1 satoshi depends directly on the cost of 1 bitcoin, being its smallest constituent unit. Thus, when analyzing price forecasts for satoshi in the near future, one should focus on the performance of bitcoin.

Bitcoin can confidently be called the most popular and strong investment solution in the world, and there was a time when electronic coins were indecently cheap. However, by 2017, the cost of one coin became a record and amounted to $ 20,000, but a little later it changed somewhat downward due to the situation on the cryptocurrency market. The situation is stable, but even today some people are convinced that there is no point in buying bitcoins. But if you delve into this issue, you can come to the decision that at present, Bitcoin is just starting to gain momentum. Below are the factors that undoubtedly indicate the upcoming growth of the cryptocurrency. 

What will trigger the rise in Bitcoin?

When planning to purchase a cryptocurrency, it is necessary to initially determine the benefits of investing in bitcoin. To do this, you will need to consider in detail and analyze the main indicators of its growth in such a time range - a week, a month and a year. The main difference between bitcoin and any classic currency lies in its direct purpose, which was laid down during its creation - it is a constant growth in the price of a cryptocurrency and not vice versa. If you think about this and realize the essence of this purpose, then this will correctly set you up for investing in cryptocurrency.

Anyone who is interested in cryptocurrencies at least once knows that the amount of bitcoins that can be mined has limitations, namely 21 million electronic coins. Here the thought immediately comes to mind that the government of any country prints new money in an unspecified order, but "at will" or "need", that is, when it likes it. And the number of new bitcoins that have entered, are entering and will enter the market provides for severe restrictions.

In addition, the process of entering the market for new coins is significantly slowing down due to the complication of the methods of their production. After all, if you remember, earlier, using mining and a home PC, it was possible to extract 50 or more bitcoins without much effort. Today, such manipulations are no longer possible, since to create a block, you need to connect to mining pools by combining the capacities of your own PC and other computers or purchasing equipment that is specialized for mining.

Experts have identified some regularity, implying a decrease in the number of bitcoins received for the creation of a block, approximately twice every four years. So, until November 2012. for the block made, a reward of 50 bitcoins was provided, and after 9 years of the existence of the cryptocurrency, its value decreased 4 times and is about 12.5 bitcoins. The statistics for the decrease in the size of the block detection reward are as follows:

  • 2009-2012 - 50 bitcoins;
  • 2012-2016 - 25 bitcoins;
  • 2016 to the present - 12.5 bitcoins.

Based on the given data, it should be noted that already in 2020, users will be able to receive only 6.25 bitcoins (according to preliminary information, Bitcoin halving will occur in the spring of 2020). This is a fairly important criterion for investing. It is noteworthy that the founder of the cryptocurrency Satoshi Nakamoto was convinced that by reducing the number of new bitcoins that enter the market, there would be an increase in the value of coins. It is this factor that distinguishes cryptocurrency from the national currency, which from time to time experiences depreciation.

Since the inception of bitcoin, its price has always only gone up and in 2013 it was $ 1000/1 coin. However, later there was a sharp collapse in prices due to speculations that take place in every financial market.

It is interesting that humanity is so arranged that a price increase often provokes an avalanche. People in this situation are inclined to more active shopping, as they are afraid that an even greater rise in price is coming. As a result, mass hysteria is formed, while prices can often be artificially inflated, that is, without an existing reason.

This happened with bitcoin in 2013, when its value was settled by the market. Experts recommend that when prices rise in a relatively short time, to show great care and caution in the matter of investment. It does not matter in what way it manifests itself - buying real estate, shares or cryptocurrency.

It is important to remember this definition as "hype". In that very 2013, bitcoin managed to attract a lot of attention to itself, which manifested itself in too many new users joining the cryptocurrency community. Six years ago, Bitcoin was everywhere and on everyones lips. Of course, this hype led to an increase in demand, which resulted in a logical increase in cost.

Many experts point out that today most stock markets are in a state of fluctuations. Their collapse will cause an improvement in the situation in the field of investing in bitcoin, since there will be an opportunity to save your own funds. Why? In crisis situations occurring in stock markets, people stop believing in financial systems and national currencies. This leads to general panic. A striking example of this was 2008, when gold increased in price due to people investing their own funds and other physical assets in it. The most correct thing was to invest in currency or stocks.

Bitcoin Ups and Downs

Taking the entire period of existence of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency as a basis , only a few tipping points can be found. During this period, electronic currency lost about 40% or more of its own value. But it should be noted that each time it was restored, which is important.

The falls are clearly demonstrated below:

  • 2011 from June to November there was a decrease in value from 32 to 2 dollars, that is, by 94%;
  • 2012, in June there was a collapse in prices from 7 to 4 dollars;
  • 2013, in April, the bitcoin price fell from $ 266 to $ 54, that is, by 79%;
  • 2013 (November) to 2015 (January) there is a drop in the value of the coin from 1166 to 170 dollars, that is, 87%;
  • 2017, in September there was a collapse from 5000 to 2972 dollars, that is, by 40%;
  • 2018, in January, there was a decrease in the value of bitcoin from 19,000 to 7,600 dollars, that is, by 60% and then even further to 3,600 dollars.

The largest drop in the value of an electronic coin in the entire history of its existence was noted in 2011 - by 94%. However, one cannot fail to notice the constant growth of its value, which confirms the words noted above.

Expert forecasts for the value of bitcoin in 2020 and 2022

To clarify the situation in the future in the context of the cryptocurrency market, forecasts of leading experts and researchers are presented. After reviewing this information, it will become possible to decide on further actions and make a decision on investing in bitcoin.

According to Tom Lee, who is a leader among Wall Street cryptocurrency market researchers and at the same time a co-founder of Fundstrat Global Advisors, next year the cost of bitcoin will be $ 25,000, and in 2022 it will be $ 55,000. 

The expert and investor in the cryptocurrency Petros Anagnostu focuses on more and notes an incredible jump in the price of bitcoin. The creator of the consulting agency Crypto Solutions is convinced that by the end of 2020, the price for one electronic coin will increase significantly and will range from $ 50,000 to $ 100,000.  

If you listen to the founder of the company-developer McAfe (antivirus software) John McAfee, it makes sense for coin holders to continue to use their own bitcoins until 2020 for sure. According to the specialists calculations, the profit will be more than 100%, while there is a possibility of reaching its maximum - 2400%. In addition, John believes that when the last coin is mined, its value will be hundreds of millions of dollars.

Interestingly, the editor of the Coinspeaker portal, as well as the blockchain consultant D. Harrison, noted the growth of bitcoin in 2014 to $ 2,400 by 2017. I must say that the forecasts were more or less approximate. Studying his new forecasts, we can say that they are quite bold. So, by 2020, the price for 1 bitcoin will be $ 30,000. An important role in the formation of the value of the coin will be assigned to the following factors - investment value, use value or gross system, issue / parity value. 

Also, the engineer, founder of the online scoreboard Satoshi.Info and the author of articles on the topic of cryptocurrency D. Lopp had his say. In his opinion, after one year, the price of 1 bitcoin will cost $ 250,000 and this turned out to be the most daring assumption. Lopp came to such conclusions as a result of multiple daily analysis of changes in the value of the coin over 7 years. The only exception was 2014, when the Mt.Gox exchange fell. Through his calculations, Lopp determined that during the entire period of research, he has observed a daily increase in the price of bitcoin, since 2010. 

It is impossible only to predict the future, but it is necessary to note with confidence the relationship between stock markets and the value of bitcoin. So, if the former fail shortly, then Bitcoin will definitely skyrocket in value as an alternative currency. It is likely that the electronic coin will continue to rise in value, which means that satoshi will also increase in value. This trend must be taken into account by all investors who want to properly invest their own funds in bitcoins in order to increase capital by 2020.

What do they think of more often - Satoshi or Bitcoin?

It should be noted that the formation of Satoshi, of course, had a positive impact on the further development of Bitcoin. Virtual currency has become much more widespread among the users of the system, since it became possible to transfer small amounts with lower commissions, make inexpensive purchases of services and goods, paying with satoshi.

As noted, Satoshi is the smallest part of Bitcoin. In other words, satoshi is the same virtual currency. However, today it is more often remembered among users, investors, experts, specialists and ordinary people who are not holders of bitcoin coins. And although the term "satoshi" is more than 10 years old, the word "bitcoin" can be heard more often on the lips of most people.