Card verification
What is card verification for?
In order to minimize fraudulent activities and our own safety, we are forced to use a verification system for your bank card.
The purpose of this procedure is to make sure that it is the bank card holder who performs the exchange operation on our website.
Each new bank card needs to be verified once - you will not need to go through the verification procedure again for this card.
How to pass card verification?
The procedure is simple:
Take a photo of the card in front of the open tab of our website, which contains your application number.
The photo should also be clearly visible: the first 4 digits and the last 4 digits of the card number, if your card is personalized, your full name should also be clearly visible.
You can close all other data in the photo.
After you upload the map to the site, it will take about a minute to check it.
You can be sure that your card data will not get into the network.
In no case do not disclose the data on the back of the card, do not send a photo of the back of the card - you only need what was indicated above.
If for any reason card verification was rejected, you will receive a notification with the reason for the rejection.
You will need to take a new photo, take into account the recommendations of the site and upload it again.