Is it realistic to earn Bitcoin (bitcoin) in our time


Despite everything, the hype around cryptocurrencies is not diminishing. True, the popularity of individual crypto coins is systematically decreasing, but this cannot be said about bitcoin, it seems that it really is a full-fledged means of payment. To understand the essence of using this coin and learn how to become its owner, you need to study the history of the creation of the first digital coin and even get acquainted with part of the technological process. The main thing that needs to be understood is that this is an exclusively virtual coin, unlike the ruble or dollar, bitcoin is not backed by any material resources.

   There are regular controversies on the network over who actually created this coin. Experts say that it was after all Satoshi Nakamoto, it is he who is credited with creating such an exceptional payment system.

Why was this particular type of coin created? The main reason for the emergence of virtual money is the implementation of the idea of decentralization, as well as the ability to evenly distribute funds around the world.

At first, when the coin first appeared on the market, the cost of ten thousand coins was only 40-50 USD! At that time, the first owners of bitcoins spent them on completely ordinary things and food, for example, there is a story about how one American simply bought 2 pizzas for bitcoins. If that man kept these coins - in the future he could make a fortune on them. And he was not alone: there is a separate site with stories of real people who sold bitcoins for mere pennies. Of course, the coin rate was not stable, and changed many times, but at a certain time the price of 10 thousand bitcoins was more than 100 million USD.

Lets consider what this payment system is, whether it is worth investing in it, and also try to understand whether it is possible to make money on bitcoins.

Where to get bitcoin

There are several ways to become the owner of a certain amount of bitcoins:

    you can buy them at a special exchange office by paying rubles or another currency;
    get them as a bonus for the work done;
    start mining.

The third method is considered to be the main source of purchasing virtual currency. Mine, i.e. anyone (even the owner of a low-power computer) can mine virtual coins, just install a special program and get acquainted with some of the features of the process. Lets list them:

    The economic benefit of extracting currency depends on the power of the equipment used: it is imperative to have a sufficiently powerful gaming video card, only in this case it makes sense to mine.
    Before launching a device for round-the-clock mining of coins, you need to measure the mining speed, and then correlate the cost of paying for electricity spent on mining and the approximate amount of possible income.
    To speed up the process of obtaining bitcoins, we recommend that you immediately unite with like-minded people in a pool. In this case, the high power of the computer hardware of each individual participant will help you earn more virtual coins.

There are services that do not require users to have large capacities for mining cryptocoins. But this does not apply at all to bitcoin, the popularity of which is very high, and the mining process is limited by the limited power of computer technology. Therefore, if you decide to start a professional bitcoin hunt, we recommend acquiring powerful professional equipment.

Number of people holding BTC

In fact, it is not possible to estimate the number of bitcoin owners. The fact is that this type of payment system is decentralized and, accordingly, the government authorities of any country are not able to control bitcoin. Due to the perfect confidentiality, it is impossible to get correct statistics about the owners of virtual coins.

If we take into account the non-standard situation with virtual currency, we can assume that among the owners of bitcoin there may be people with higher education, who have a penchant for creative thinking, who are able to look at situations and problems outside the box. It also seems that investors are those who believe that the future lies with a smart economy. Accordingly, it can be argued that the number of MTC owners is reduced to a group of truly creative modern people.

How to independently organize the bitcoin mining procedure

The main task of the process is to speed up the computation procedure, which is impossible on weak equipment. Therefore, it is more profitable for future miners to buy expensive equipment or unite with like-minded people in communities (pools) and start serious work.

If you decide to team up with several like-minded users, whose capacities can be easily and quickly used through the Network, then you will open up new opportunities for "cloud" mining. The hunting process can even be carried out on an industrial scale, and here it will no longer be possible to do without mining farms. To organize them, you will need to buy the following equipment:

    A motherboard with several connectors for video cards (we recommend that you immediately fill all slots with top models with maximum power ratings).
    Specialized plateaus with video chips - with their help you will achieve the maximum mining speed.
    A complex based on ASIC processors is a special technique designed for operational bitcoin mining.

Of course, a device operating on a standard video card will cost you several times cheaper, but its purchase will also need to be worked out while mining coins. Therefore, modern users are increasingly paying attention to cloud pools. It should be borne in mind that such programs charge a certain commission from users, but they operate around the clock and do not consume electricity in your home. In addition, pooling allows you to eliminate the risk of device breakdown or temporary power outage of the equipment, and this once again proves that you can always earn bitcoins (and even now), the main thing is to choose the least expensive method for yourself.

Advantages of MTC

Electronic money was created as a counterbalance to fiat money. The creators placed special emphasis on the decentralization of virtual currencies (as mentioned above), and thereby ensured the privacy and security of users. Simply put, bitcoin was originally created in order to become a real competitor to fiat funds. As a result, a product was created that allows:

    transfer money instantly (using "QIWI" and "WebMoney");
    withdraw coins to fiat daily, at any time of the day or night, without weekends and holidays;
    Protect users money as much as possible (for this, special keys and two-factor authorization methods are used) not only from government agencies, but also from virtuoso hackers.
    maximally "split" the money even into the smallest parts, as a result of which the user can transfer at least one hundredth of a dollar, and at the same time the minimum commission will be withdrawn from the account;
    maintain absolute confidentiality (except for the user, no one can find out how much money is in his electronic "wallet").

Of course, there is no single server for the MTC that ensures the independence of the coin, the political and economic situation does not affect the coin rate, transfers are carried out without intermediaries, which also minimizes the risks of losing money due to the illiterate work of third-party programs and third parties. Therefore, it is quite possible that in the near future the electronic monetary unit will turn into a world currency, and most developed countries will begin to use it as a real means of payment.

Is there a risk of investing in bitcoin?

Have you decided to invest free funds in e-currency? In this case, you should be prepared for the fact that such an investment is not just risky, it is mega-risky! On the one hand, this currency can be viewed as a means of payment, and on the other, as a result of a breakthrough in the world of modern technologies, created at the time of economic globalization. Until now, there is no definite concept of how to evaluate bitcoin, how much it may even cost.

Analyzing the situation three years ago, one can see that the value of the cyber currency is regularly growing due to the rush demand. Now its popularity has slightly decreased, and the rate, accordingly, is falling (although Bitcoin is still the leader in all exchanges and other services). Perhaps the course will change in the near future, even among experts, opinions are diametrically opposite: someone is optimistic and claims that the fall in the exchange rate is a temporary phenomenon, while someone, on the contrary, says that the collapse of military-technical cooperation is approaching.

What is the minimum amount of funds you can invest in bitcoin

We have already said above that one coin can be divided into many parts. In this system, there is no certain amount in order to start investing, and this becomes a serious advantage: the debutant miner will start earning on a small amount, carefully work out the scheme on the exchange, and then, if he wants, will increase the size of investments.

Before becoming an investor, we recommend that you analyze all the pros and cons, study the opinion of experienced investors and experts in this field of activity. In any case, you do not need to invest all available funds in one project, first try on a small amount, and later, if everything suits you, double or triple the contribution. Thus, you minimize the risks and master the mining process with small (if any) losses.

Bitcoin mining methods

The question of making money on fluctuations in the cryptocurrency rate is becoming more and more relevant. Most often, miners discuss the direct purchase and sale of electronic money, but this is just one of the options for making a profit. There are different ways to get bitcoins, you can even just earn coins if your work is paid for with cryptocurrency.

Any method of making money on cryptocurrency is calculated on the fact that maintaining the course for the growth of BTC, in this case, the desire to increase savings in coins will be justified. If the value of the coins begins to fall, it will be more profitable to switch to trading on the exchange, where it will be possible to receive electronic bonuses on currency fluctuations. But now, both beginners and experienced miners have other options for earning coins:

    sale of services or goods for crypto coins (through a payment system connected to the site or using a standard transfer of funds through the sellers "wallet");
    mining on your own farm or connecting to a pool (the most common way to get coins; you can also rent power for a fee);
    trading on the stock exchange using pair trading - this process is similar to working with fiat money;
    resale of currency on exchanges - it means that you will buy coins on one exchange, where the currency rate is lower, and sell - on sites where the bitcoin rate is higher.

Purchase of coins on exchange platforms on the network

            There are quite non-standard options for obtaining cryptocurrency, for example, you can receive currency “just like that” by gambling or using faucets. If you compare earning in such ways with working on the stock exchange, it will definitely seem like a very serious matter for you. Each user can combine different methods and amounts of free funds.

Trading on the exchange

            This is a rather difficult method, but many "hunters" choose it. To start mining, you need to install a special program. Before you create a real account and account, we advise you to try your hand at a demo account. On it you can master the technology of making a profit, test different indicators, strategies, etc. As soon as you notice that you can make real money, switch from the test version to the real one.

Basic rules that you should not forget about when trading on the exchange

            To get a stable good income, we recommend that you remember the following rules for working with cryptocurrency:

    When choosing, consider only reliable companies: study reviews on the network, consider the equipment of services (for example, see if there is a thematic forum on the site, if there is a "Personal Account").
    Choose a currency pair that suits you, for example, the most common option is the BTC / USD pair, and some experienced miners stop at the Bitcoin / Ethereum option.
    If you want to receive income, be sure to study the situation in the current market, view the rate of the currency you are interested in, control the graphs of rate fluctuations, try to determine the main trend trends and do not be afraid to communicate with experienced miners.

            Those who have just decided to make money on bitcoins should not try to jump on the last car, it is better to wait for a trend change or a fall in the rate, and, perhaps, in this case, even now, trading in MTC will become profitable.

            In order to minimize risks, we advise you to register accounts on several trading platforms at once, so you will not worry about losing all your invested funds at once.

Profitable investment in Bitcoins

            If you are confused by trading on the stock exchange or are not at all satisfied with the possible options for mining cryptocurrency, you can limit yourself to the usual purchase of MTC. To determine how much you can earn in this way, you need to follow the news, some small account holders managed to become millionaires in just a few days. Moreover, these people did nothing, they simply invested their money in the purchase of electronic money.

            Savings can be stored in virtual coins, they can be exchanged for profit from trading with fiat money or securities, precious metals, some combine the process of exchange trading with exchanging fiat for electronic funds. In all these cases, the depositor becomes indifferent to where exactly to earn coins, just the amounts on the account will be replenished from several sources at once.

Cryptocurrency earning strategies

            A study of the bitcoin rate shows that you need to invest in this currency for a long time. On the one hand, it cannot be argued that the value of the coin will increase significantly in the near future, but, on the other hand, there is a message that the value of bitcoin will rise, this is due to the fact that in the future, unprofitable coins will simply leave the market. The fewer different cryptocurrencies remain on the market, the higher the rate of the remaining stablecoins will be. Newcomers who have just entered the exchange of electronic coins more often opt for intraday trading, explaining this by the desire to get income right here and now, and experienced "hunters" do the opposite - they choose a long-term strategy, investing a decent amount of money at once.

            Lets list the most common earning strategies:

    Scalping: a fairly popular strategy among beginners, it allows you to get a decent income in a short time, but its weak point is increased risks.
    Trending schemes: they are usually referred to as medium-term and long-term, depending on how long the deal remains open, from several days to several months.
    Breakout of the level: a strategy for experienced miners, confident in their abilities, here the volatility of the coin must be taken into account (in this connection, almost any breakout is accompanied by the movement of the rate with a serious "swing"), the scheme is available to anyone, but experienced "hunters", as always, have serious advantages.

Selling products for bitcoins

            If you want to invest in any projects - invest in cryptocurrency, if you dont want to get involved with cryptocurrency faucets and exchanges - we recommend creating your own page on the network for selling goods and services with payment in cryptocurrency.

            The main thing here is to equip the project with a special module that accepts payment in cryptocurrency. The cost of bitcoin is quite high and, therefore, the products you offer must have an appropriate value, for example, plane tickets, hotel apartments, expensive food, educational courses, luxury items, jewelry.

            Unfortunately, this service is more popular only abroad, but no one can prohibit you from such a business in our country. The main thing is to take care of the inflow of money through other methods of earning, because it takes time to make a profit from the site.

              Products for sale can be purchased by paying for it with bitcoins, cryptocurrency for purchase can be purchased through exchangers, exchanges or from other currency owners. There are special forums and programs where you will be "brought together" with coin sellers, such a service is the guarantor of fair play: if you are not satisfied with the sellers conditions, you can refuse the deal.

            Some sellers offer their services in person, it is not entirely safe, the sites do not guarantee the security of the transaction. One of the proven services that provide such services is the LocalBitcoin website. In general, this is not an exchange, but getting the desired coins in this way is convenient and simple. The advantages of buying cryptocurrency from a real person are that, firstly, you can independently find a seller offering a profitable rate, and, secondly, you can find a cryptocurrency seller in your city.

The main services where you can earn Bitcoin

            Consider profitable programs with which you can mine coins on an ongoing basis. Now this type of payment systems is being formed into a separate area, it becomes easier to organize the earnings of bitcoins without investing funds and various pitfalls. For work, it is enough to carry out elementary actions in the browser - watching videos and ads, entering keys, studying information on sites.

       Below are the main resources for this type of earnings. The process can be combined with the main activity (work, study, etc.):


            A modern application for making money, payments without interruption, the main advantage of the program is that with regular visits you can earn twice as much (bonuses are awarded for each visit to the resource).


            Nice and intuitive interface, the scheme of earnings is identical to the previous version, the same bonuses, advertising and competent operation of the site, the only difference is that distribution occurs more often.


            The name speaks for itself, here you can get a decent income. Nice design, clear interface, unobtrusive advertising, bonuses - as in the previous versions, maximum distribution frequency - every 5 minutes, even an inexperienced user can receive up to $ 30-40 per month.


            Here you can no longer earn as much as you want, the distribution is carried out every three minutes. You need to enter your address, spin the wheel, solve the captcha and collect the money. But there are already drawbacks here (an excess of advertising, annoying sounds in the process, we advise you to turn off the sound when working at night), but the passive income is worth it!


            In this case, earnings are carried out a little differently than everyone is used to: you can select the advertisement that you want to open, all available videos are presented on the page. The lower you go, the less they will pay, the threshold is 0.00015 coins, this is a high figure, but you can earn it quickly. Payments are made as often as you like.


            A program with even more flaws, in this case you will have to allocate several hours a day of free time to earn money, but thanks to this you can already earn $ 50 per month. Convenient panel with information about earned money, time counters. On the shortcomings: a lot of incomprehensible faucets with strange captcha. Payments in automatic mode on weekends (or manually), the limit on money withdrawal is 13,000 satoshi. Users of the program respond positively to the procedure and timing of payments.

            In addition to the most popular programs, there are also CoinHD, BitPTC and other resources that allow you to receive bitcoin. The main advantage of such programs is that everything here depends on the user.

            For example, if you decide to use CoinHD, your income will depend on the number of videos viewed per day. This application is advised to open in a separate tab: start the video online, go about your business at the same time, or collect free coins in other programs, and in your free minute, open the tab with the video, pick up the rewards and play the next video. You can repeat the procedure an unlimited number of times.

            Popular applications of this kind include EarnFreeBitcoins, BitcoinClix. Few use these resources, but, nevertheless, some users speak of them extremely positively. If you want to make money while at home or while traveling, we recommend trying both services. They do not take much time, while you get real money, which can later be converted into fiat money.

The benefits of cryptocurrency in real life

            Investors invest in Bitcoin, it attracts investors in a special way. As a means of payment, it is just beginning its journey, but Forex brokers have already joined the process and have begun to implement, in addition to currency pairs, the BTC / USD pair. People who previously worked only with real currency were able to replenish their portfolio with expensive bitcoins.

            There are the main options for obtaining coins:

    acquisition of crypto assets in order to wait for the maximum rate in relation to fiat;
    implementation of the purchase and sale of coins on Forex in order to place bets on the market (this will allow you to receive income even in the event of a fall in the rate);
    purchase and sale of military-technical cooperation with regular rate control.

The attitude of the state to the crypto coin

            Different countries independently establish the legal status for MTS. In Russia, cryptocurrency has not yet been officially recognized, so consider the possible risks. There is no official ban at the state level yet, but the topic is regularly discussed. For example, there is a risk of introducing restrictions on the amount of MTC owned by a private person. Why doesnt the state recognize cryptocurrency? Virtual currencies are decentralized, they cannot be controlled and, accordingly, the state cannot protect its citizens from certain risks.


            Can an ordinary person make money on Bitcoin now? Yes, and the state is not capable of influencing this. Study the technology and choose for yourself a certain MTC earnings scheme. If you have a mining farm, join pools and start mining currency. Or earn money by changing the exchange rate, moreover, an account can be created in any currency. If there is no money or a powerful PC, create a website for the sale of goods, where users will pay exclusively with cryptocurrency. If you want to earn passively - use the programs presented above, complete special tasks and get BTC. In any case, you will replenish your wallet with an "expensive" coin.
